Clock Face – Clock Hand -「時計の時間を合わせる・時計の針」 を英語で表現 – 熟語・スラング & 英語フレーズ 4,000

Clock Face – Clock Hand -「時計の時間を合わせる・時計の針」 を英語で表現



be behind the standard time (時計が)遅れている
ex) My watch is ten minutes behind the standard time.

behind /bɪˈhaɪnd/: in or toward the back
ex) If you live west of the time zone line, local time lags behind standard time.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,179

lag behind (競争など)後れを取る距離が開く
ex) I have been noticing that my watch keeps lagging behind the actual time.
自分の時計が 遅れ続けていることに気付いた

lag /ˈlæg/: to move more slowly than others : to fail to walk or move as quickly as others
ex) My stystem clock will update and then lag behind after a while.


lag (2か所の間の) 時間差
ex) Jet lag is a temporary sleep disorder.
時差ぼけは 一時的な睡眠障害です

lag /ˈlæg/: a space of time between two events
ex) There is a lag of a day or two between the time you deposit a check and the time the funds are available for withdrawal.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

□ set one’s clock ahead    時計の時間を進める
ex) I’ve tried setting your clocks ahead and getting up earlier.
時計の時間を 進めて、早く起きるようにしている

ahead /əˈhɛd/: in or toward the front
ex) Be sure to set your clocks ahead one hour before bed on Saturday night.

□ set one’s clock forward     時計の時間を進める
ex) I set the clock forward by a minute.
1分 時計を進める

forward /ˈfoɚwɚd/: toward the front : to or toward what is ahead or in front
ex) Don’t forget to set your clock forward tonight or you’ll end up oversleeping tomorrow.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,180

set one’s clock back    時計の時間を遅らせる
ex) Set the clocks an hour back.

back /ˈbæk/: in, toward, or at the back or rear
ex) Don’t forget to set your clock back tonight.

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The clocks spring forward (夏時間の開始などで)時間(自体)が進む
ex) Daylight saving time is almost here. The clocks spring forward at 2 a.m. on March 10.
夏時間がもうすぐ来ます。 3月10日の午前2時に 時間が進みます

Spring Forward – Fall Back /ˈfoɚwɚd/: meant to trigger your memory to set your clocks forward 1 hour in the spring at the start of DST, and 1 hour back in the fall when DST ends
ex) in the spring, clocks are set ahead (forward) by one hour; in the fall (autumn), the clocks are set back an hour.

The clocks fall back (夏時間の終了などで)時間(自体)が遅れる
ex) In spring, clocks spring forward from 12:59 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.; in fall, clocks fall back from 1:59 a.m. to 1:00 a.m.
春に 12:59 から 2:00 に時間が進み、秋に 時間が 1:59 から 1:00 に遅れます

fall behind /ˈfɑːl/: to fail to do something as quickly as planned or required
ex) Even after correcting the time, my clock will fall behind the next time I boot.


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Casual English Phrases – #1,181

fall behindに遅れが生じる
ex) We’ve been falling further behind with our work.
作業は さらに遅れそうだ

ex) Falling behind schedule can cause you to feel more stressed and overwhelmed as things start to pile on your plate.
スケジュールに 遅れが生じると、やる事が溜まってしまい、緊張したり、圧倒される気分になる

fall behind /ˈfɑːl/: to fail to do something as quickly as planned or required
ex) We fell behind on our car payments.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,182

□ clock hand    時計の針
ex) The long hand on the clock is the minute hand.
長い時計の針は 分を表す

□ second hand     時計の秒針
ex) I just noticed that my second hand on my watch now goes in 5 second intervals.
私の時計の秒針は 5秒ごとに進む ことに気が付いた

hour hand /ˈawɚ/: the thing that points to the hour on a clock or watch
ex) It’s easier to read an analogue clock-face (i.e. one with hands) than a digital clock-face.

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□ clock face     時計の文字盤
ex) Add an embroidered clock face to a clock for an extra-personal touch.
時計に 自身の個性を出すために 刺繍の入った 文字盤を時計につけて

clock face /ˈklɑːk/: the part of an analog clock (or watch) that displays time through the use of a flat dial with reference marks, and revolving pointers turning on concentric shafts at the center, called hands
ex) Avoid the glass surfaces and don’t ever polish the clock face.

a grandfather clock   大型箱時計
ex) The first grandfather clock was created around 1680 by British clockmaker.
大型箱時計は 1680年、英国の時計製造業者によって 作られた

grandfather clock /ˈgrændˌfɑːðɚ/: a pendulum floor clock having a case as tall as or taller than a person; tall-case clock.
ex) An antique grandfather clock, one that is over 100 years old, will have varying degrees of additional intrinsic value based on its maker.

□ tick  (時計など)カチカチ音をたてる
ex) The clock is ticking.
時計が カチカチ音をたてている

tick /ˈtɪk/: to make a small, quick, and often rhythmic tapping sound
ex) I could hear the clock tick/ticking.


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Casual English Phrases – #1,183

tick off 怒らせる、(他人を)イライラさせる
ex) She was ticked off by the rude salesclerk.
彼女は 粗野な 販売員に イラついた

tick off /ˈtɪk/ : to make (someone) angry
ex) He really ticks me off sometimes.

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Clock Face – Clock Hand -「時計の時間を合わせる・時計の針」 – に 関連する英語表現をチェックしよう!

Timepieces - Keep Good Time - 「時計・時間」 を英語で表現 - 英会話例文集 - 英会話 マンツーマン - MyPace English
英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Keep good time – 時計・時間 MyPace English の英会話講師たちが 集まって、毎週少しづつ、英語例文・フレーズを増やしています。

